For the social work journal ’tijdschrift voor maatschappelijk werk’
Katie Lee Weille (2010), Lector Professional Work with Parents
Thomas Todd (1984), family therapist
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (1982), family therapist
Virginia Satir (1974), family therapist
Carl Whitaker (1974), family therapist
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (1974), family therapist
Salvador Minuchin (1974), family therapist
Norman Bell (1971), family therapist
For the family therapy journal ‘systeemtherapie’
Annie Mattheeuws (1993), family therapist
Lois Braverman (1993), family therapist
Connie Streutker-Franse (1991), family therapist
Walter Kempler (1991), family therapist
Marcia Sheinberg (1991), family therapist
Leo van Dijk, family therapist
Mieke Crolla-Baggen, family therapist
Joep Choy, family therapist
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (1991), family therapist
Maurizio Andolfi (1990), family therapist
Toos van der Zon, family therapist
Ad van der Ree, family therapist
Lynn Hoffman (1990), family therapist
Frans Boeckhorst (1990), family therapist
For ‘visies op gezinsbehandeling’ (1992)
Lynn Hoffman, family therapist
Walter Kempler, family therapist
Marcia Sheinberg, family therapist
For ‘handboek methodische ouderbegeleiding’ (deel 8)
Greetje Zaal, social worker/parent counselor
Verónica L. R. Carvajal, psychologist/parent counselor
Helouise Rozenblad, mental health nurse/parent counselor
Muzaffer Cavga, social worker/parent counselor
Yvonne Felter, social worker/parent counselor
For the journal ‘ouderschap & ouderbegeleiding’
Thomas G. O’Connor (2005), scientist
Agnes de la Rie (2004), School Social Worker
Vivian B. Shapiro (2003), childpsychotherapist/researcher
Sarah and Simon (2001), parents
Sir Michael Rutter (1999), de tekst is hier te lezen
Tekst van dit interview (PDF), scientist
Mariëtte Hoogsteder & Jeanine Suurmond (1998), researchers